Every transaction works to save our planet. Your business will earn additional income, attract new customers and build brand loyalty.
Sign upGreen transactions
Sign up as a merchant today, select the project you wish to support and make a positive global impact.
Advertise your business
Advertise on the CSENS Pay app. Your business will earn additional income, attract new customers and build brand loyalty.
Rewards for our Planet
CSENS Pay is a payment system for businesses who want to give back to our planet. Every transaction supports qualified projects.
CSENS Pay the world's first Enviro Positive payment system that automatically greens transactions. Every single transaction contributes to environmental projects that protect and restore our planet for future generations. See our projects page for more details.
We offer competitive rates for merchants. Automatically green your transactions with no additional cost to you or your customers.
Merchants can accept and green online, direct debit, subscription billing, POS and crypto to cash solutions while contributing to environmental projects that protect and restore our planet.
Yes, once your business is approved you can accept payments from a large variety of cryptocurrencies instantly converted to cash.
We offer "pay protect charge back guarantee" and data protection options.